2024.06.03 (월)

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기상청 제공


Is Technology Making Fridge Freezer Better Or Worse?

  • 작성자 : Maya
  • 작성일 : 24-05-11 01:00
  • 조회수 : 3
How to Choose a 50/50 Fridge Freezer

haier-hsr3918enpg-freestanding-american-style-side-by-side-fridge-freezer-528l-capacity-a-e-energy-rated-silver-1.jpgA 50/50 fridge freezer can be divided into two equal sized compartments to store frozen and chilled food. freestanding fridge freezer (discover here) fridge freezers are available in a variety of sizes to suit every family member and come with a choice of colours to match it with your kitchen.

You can also select a tall integrated unit that fits into a housing and comes with doors that have contemporary design. They are usually hinged to the left or right side to fit the layout of your kitchen.


One of the most important aspects when purchasing a fridge freezer is its capacity. This is measured in litres and is a good way for comparing different models against one another. At AO we convert this into bags of groceries to make it simpler to compare fridge freezer sizes. Consider your family's needs to determine the best size for your needs.

A 50:50 fridge freezer comes with the same freezer and fridge space, ideal for families that prefer to store fresh food items. Featuring plenty of shelf space These appliances are equipped with adjustable shelves along with door racks, a salad crisper drawer to keep all your fruits and vegetables fresher for longer. The fridge section also has a wine rack with a chrome wire which makes it easy to store all your favourite bottles.

If you are a big fan of frozen food, a 60/40 fridge freezer is the best choice for your requirements. These freezers are ideal for busy households who often purchase bulk quantities of frozen foods and prefer to keep their american style fridge freezer for sale space free for yoghurt, milk and freshly cut fruit. These models offer more freezer space than their 50:50 counterparts. They also come with generously spacious drawers that are easy to access and a clear fronted design.

An integrated fridge freezer is built-in into your kitchen, so it's crucial to measure the available space before purchasing. You'll need to make sure that it fits comfortably within the cabinet doors, and isn't interfering in any way with other appliances. You may also require extra space around the appliance to allow for ventilation.

The Integrated Fridge Freezer from Candy is an elegant and practical option for your home. This compact appliance can hold an 87-litre fridge compartment. It features four shelves with two doors racks and a salad cooler for all your favorite groceries. It's also energy efficient, with a low-wattage LED light and EcoAirflow technology that regulates temperatures and humidity levels. To make things easier it has a Party Mode setting that activates the Super Cool function to chill drinks and makes additional Ice cubes.

Energy efficiency

Refrigerator freezers use a lot of energy, which is why you should choose models with high ratings for Freestanding Fridge Freezer energy efficiency. A higher energy rating on your appliance can reduce your electricity bill and reduce carbon emissions. These refrigerators may cost more initially but they will pay for themselves over time by saving energy.

The energy efficiency of a fridge freezer is determined by its energy consumption as well as the amount of heat it emits. Find an energy label that shows an overall rating from A to G. Next, examine the icons to see how the chilled and frozen compartments have been rated.

The most energy-efficient refrigerators have an A+ rating. They use less than 150 kWh annually which is a lot less than the UK average 185 kWh. A+++ models require less gas than other fridges and freezers and are therefore safer for the environment.

You can also make use of EPREL which is a database of EU appliances to determine the efficiency of these appliances. To do this, place your smartphone in the vicinity of the QR code on the energy label. Then, you'll be taken to the product page on the database, that provides specific information regarding the fridge freezer's energy usage and emissions.

Other important aspects to consider include whether a model is frost-free and how easy it is to clean. Refrigerators with a frost-free feature do not require defrosting, saving you the hassle and mess of taking and cleaning out the ice. You should also select an appliance with an option to deep freeze. This will help keep frozen food fresher for longer.

Refrigerators that have a smart technology feature will track the amount of food is in your fridge and let you know when you're running out. Some even come with cameras in them so that you can see what's in the fridge without opening it. They are useful to keep an eye on leftovers or shopping. You can also find appliances with innovative features, like LG's NatureFresh technology, which keeps cool air circulating to prevent food from spoiling.


When you select a model the design is important because it can affect how easily you can store and access food items. Some models include features that can help keep food fresher longer and help reduce food waste, like humidity controls or LED lighting. There's also CrispZone or a salad drawer that can be adjusted for various types of produce. This is particularly helpful if you're planning to use your fridge-freezer's integrated feature in a garage or outbuilding where temperatures are lower than in a kitchen.

There are also variations in the layout of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. Certain fridge-freezers let you to choose from 50/50 splits, while others have a 70/30 split in which the freezer is larger than the fridge. Some fridge freezers come with a reversible door so that you can place them wherever your kitchen allows. This can be extremely useful when you're short on space in your kitchen since it allows you to make the most of the available space.

For example, this frost-free fridge freezer from Beko has a large 185 litre capacity which can hold around 14 bags of shopping and comes with reversible glass shelves that you can move upwards or downwards depending on the kind of container you own. It also has a salad compartment that retains humidity to keep your fruit and vegetables fresher for longer. You can also adjust the door tray to fit taller bottles and jars.

The fridge-freezer also comes with a NoFrost feature which means you don't need to manually defrost the unit. This saves both time and energy. It also features the Super Cool function which quickly chills freshly added food and beverages. It's a clever refrigerator-freezer available in different designs to fit your kitchen's decor. It also has plenty of useful storage compartments, like a BigBox in the freezer, VitaFresh fruit and veg drawer and an EasyAccess shelf.


One of the most important aspects to think about when selecting a fridge freezer is capacity of storage. You want to ensure that the fridge can hold all your food items and drink. The space inside can differ significantly between models, so it's a good idea to look at the specifications carefully. You might find that some have more drawers, shelves or doors than other models. It is important to look at how flexible this storage is because some of them can be moved to accommodate various sizes of containers and bottles.

This Hisense model boasts 236L of gross storage despite its tiny size. It is divided into four glass shelves, two door racks, and a crisper inside the fridge compartment. The shelves can be adjusted, allowing you to fit tall objects like milk bottles with ease. This refrigerator freezer comes with Total No-Frost Technology, a useful feature that eliminates the necessity for ice scrapers and helps save energy and time. The top shelf of the freezer comes with a slide-out shelf, which is ideal for storing ice trays.

If you host a lot of parties you can also choose to activate Party Mode which rapidly chills drinks and makes extra Ice. The fridge comes with a salad drawer that keeps moisture to keep fruit and vegetables fresher longer. And, for jet-setting families there's Holiday Mode which keeps energy costs at a minimum and odours at lower levels while you're away.

This sleek cheap fridge freezer-freezer looks fantastic in any kitchen. It's available in a range of finishes and colours, so you're sure to find the right one to match your kitchen. Stainless steel and Chrome models are contemporary, whereas classic white refrigerator-freezers offer the most affordable option. A lot of these models come with a one or two-year manufacturer's guarantee, providing peace of mind if anything goes wrong. You can also pick from a wide range of features like sensors for air quality and led lighting. However, some of these features can increase the price of the unit, so it's worth considering your budget and personal preferences prior to deciding to make a purchase.iceking-ik8951we-48cm-freestanding-50-50-split-fridge-freezer-white-6052.jpg

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