


일반 | 10 Top Facebook Pages Of All-Time About Programmable Car Keys

  • Pansy
  • 24-05-09 19:06
  • 조회수 3
Benefits of Programmable Car Keys

Preprogramming car keys is a great way to avoid being locked out of your car in the future. However, it can be quite costly depending on the vehicle you own.

Luckily, there are tools to assist shops and DIY customers to program replacement keys and restore immobilizer data, Sanabria says.

1. You can start your car from a distance

You need a programmed key to start your vehicle. The key must be equipped with a microchip that can be read by the receiver inside the ignition. When the key is inserted into the ignition, it transmits an encoded signal to the receiver. If the signal matches the code, then the car will begin. This type of technology is safer than the other methods of locking your car because the code is constantly changing and cannot be guessed by thieves.

With the advent of a programmable key, it is now impossible to connect your car to the hot-wire and drive away. A majority of these vehicles come with proximity sensors that prevent the car from starting in the event that the key isn't within reach. The latest keys can allow you to warm your car keys programmed via remote, making it easier for you to drive on cold winter days.

With the EZ Installer from Tom's Key Company, it is now possible to program your new key and start your vehicle from an extended distance. This kit will allow you to bypass the anti-theft system of your car and enter the programming mode for a new key for your vehicle. It is important to remember that this kit doesn't work on all vehicles, and you should consult the owner's manual of your vehicle to determine whether it is compatible with the model you have chosen for your vehicle.

The process of programming keys isn't difficult, but it requires a lot of patience and attention to details. You must follow a strict procedure to successfully program your car using a new key. You will find the steps in your vehicle's owner's manual, Reprogramming car keys or look on the internet for "onboard program step X for your vehicle." Keep the ignition and keys locked as you try to program them.

2. You can unlock the doors at the same time.


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