


분류 | Why We Are In Love With Best Home Espresso Machine (And You Should Too…

  • Shelton Steed
  • 24-05-04 22:18
  • 조회수 3
The Best Home Espresso Machines For Home Baristas

If you're looking to become a barista at home, espresso maker for home this is your ideal machine. It's easy to use, and comes with everything you need to make a great cup or espresso or lattes.

But remember that it requires more than a high-quality machine to make mouthwatering espresso. You will also need to select the right coffee beans and be aware of how to operate the equipment.

1. Saeco Xelsis

Saeco Xelsis espresso machine is ideal for people who enjoy a variety of coffee shop-quality drinks. The machine is extremely automated and can do everything for you, from brewing the coffee to dispense hot water and even the frothing of milk. You just need to put the coffee beans to the top hopper, and refill the reservoir every week.

The touchscreen interface is easy to use and very responsive. It is possible to customize the drink by making 15 different adjustments. These include the strength of your coffee, taste, volume, and temperature. The Xelsis allows you to alter the amount of foam and if it should be served either before or after the coffee.

It can keep track of every family member's individual preferences in coffee and save them into six different user profiles. You can download and install new content like seasonal special recipes to improve your experience using the machine. It will also remind you to clean the machine. This includes washing and decaling cycles. The Xelsis is also easy to clean and maintain.

2. Gaggia Anima Prestige

The Anima Prestige is the most user-friendly to use. Like its name suggests, it's Gaggia's top of best bean to cup espresso maker that creates one-touch specialty drinks. This model replaces the manual pannarello wand, steam wand, and cappuccinatore wand of the base Anima or espresso maker for home Deluxe models with an automatic milk carafe that makes your coffee frothy and puts it in the refrigerator.

The Gaggia Anima Prestige includes a ceramic burr mill with five settings that can be adjusted to the size you prefer. It has a wider gap between the spouts of coffee than the majority, which can accommodate tall travel mugs.

The Anima Prestige has a sleek and sophisticated style that appears as expensive as it is. The stainless-steel frame is sturdy, while its narrow design allows it to be placed on the largest kitchen counters.

3. Philips 3200 Series

Philips is a well-established brand that makes high-quality appliances. Their espresso machine offers an excellent value that allows you to prepare high-quality cafe-quality lattes and other coffee drinks at home, without having to make costly trips to the local cafe.

The Philips 3200 Series espresso machine is among the most compact fully automatic espresso machines on the market. It is compact and sleek design and is simple to use. It also comes with a built-in burr grinder making it easy to prepare freshly ground beans for each drink.


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